About Us

Click12Win came about from founder Kay’s love of entering competitions. Nothing beats that feeling of winning and having a treat you wouldn’t ordinarily give yourself.

But over the years it has become harder and harder to win, with thousands more people entering competitions since the lockdowns of COVID times. The odds are simply not in your favour. That’s where the idea for Click12Win was born.

For a very small ticket price, you can enter to win some fantastic and unique prizes, from large cash prizes, to designer skincare, beauty products and gadgets. And your chances of winning one of our raffles are considerably higher than online competitions – we’ll even show you the odds!

So whether you’re a comper, tired of spending hours a day finding competitions and competing with tens of thousands of other people for a small prize, a UK lottery entrant – where, by the way, your odds of winning the big one are a massive 45 million to one! – or simply someone who really fancies the chance of getting their hands on one of our fantastic prizes, we’ve got something for you all.

Our live draws take place on Facebook Live on a Sunday at 7pm so you can watch along. Some raffles even have instant wins, where you’ll be immediately notified upon completion of your order, what you’ve won and these are credited instantly in the case of site credit and within 24 hours in the case of cash and physical prizes.

We often even have free draws. You can see how the site works and if you like the look of us, we hope you’ll also enter some paid draws, but no obligation – we’re just happy you’re here!

You must be 18 or over to enter.



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